How to setup Rails + Oracle on Ubuntu
In the beggining of the week I got myself one task: to integrate one of our customer’s rails app with another database, this time, an Oracle 10g. And I struggled to get everything up and running, after two days I finally had success, so I decided to share this valuable-ish knowledge:
First of all we need to have Oracle Instant Client’s files on our server, (you can find it here, after dowload unzip them:
$ unzip path/to/
$ unzip path/to/
$ unzip path/to/
and move it to the proper folder:
sudo mv instantclient_12_1/ /opt/oracle/
sudo cd /opt/oracle/instantclient_12_1
$ ls -la
And check if is there, if not then:
sudo ln -s
Now that we got Instant Client installed we have to set the library search path, for this, put the line above in the beggining of ~/.bashrc:
And source it:
sudo source ~/.bashrc
Because of security, our system variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH isn’t enabled when you try to install the ruby-oci8 gem, so we have to use ldconfig:
// edit:
vim /etc/
// add in the beggining of the file:
// save and exit
//And to activate this path:
// to make sure you have done all correctly run:
ldconfig -v | grep oracle
// and see if your path shows up
After all that, you may be able to install the ruby-oci8 gem:
sudo gem install ruby-oci8
Everything should work now, if it still doesn’t work maybe you don’t have libaio1 installed:
sudo apt-get install libaio1